FULL Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better by Robert Moss fb2 ibooks

FULL Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better by Robert Moss fb2 ibooks

FULL Dreaming True: How to Dream Your Future and Change Your Life for the Better by Robert Moss fb2 ibooks

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Book description
I previously read and reviewed ”Conscious dreaming” by the same author, and found it to be a wonderful, inspiring read. I didn´t find this book to be at quite the same level of excellence, but still I found it to be an absolutely worthwhile, valuable and enjoyable read.The author informs us that dreaming “gives us direct access to the spiritual realms, and allows our spiritual teachers to speak to us directly”. The dream-world is a real world, more “real” than much of everyday life, he says.A central figure in this work is Harriet Tubman, an escaped slave girl, who lived in the early years of the 19th century and helped other slaves escape by obtaining guidance and directions from her dreams. Harriet´s dreams showed her the specific route she would take, and the houses and barns where she would be given shelter. She flew in her dreams, which thus gave her an aerial map, as well as close-up views of places along the trail.Harriet had been severely injured on her forehead by her master, and thus had a huge dent there. In the author´s own dreams he often encountered a tiny black woman in “period clothes” and with a dent on her forehead.Moss tells us that the book is about “finding our way … to fulfilling the secret wishes of the soul – with the help of dreams and the powers that speak through dreams”.We are advised to keep a dream journal, otherwise we will lose our dreams. If possible, share dreams with a friend.If we have nightmares, we should try to go back inside the dream and confront our pursuers, if any, or dream the dream onward to resolution and closure. We should ask for help from our dream allies and spiritual protectors. (This is fine, but this requires that we are lucid in our dreams, or “conscious”, as Moss prefers to say.)We are given some keys to “dreaming true”; 1) Trust our feelings –check whether the dream has to do with a situation in physical reality, whether it is our stuff or someone else´s, and whether we need to do something about it now 2) Reality check – ask ourselves whether it is remotely possible we will encounter the scenes in our dream in waking life 3) Write a personal one-liner, e.g. “I can have more fun at work.” 4) Ask the two basic questions – “What do I need to know?” and “What do I need to do?” 5) Go back inside the dream and look for the character or element that may hold the answer to any question we may have 6) Share the dream with a friend 7) Ask the Consequence tree. This means look for signs or synchronicities in nature or the outside world that may clarify your dream. 8) Look for clues to precognitive elements 9) Study the code of your personal dream symbols, for example, some women dream of fish when someone they know becomes pregnant 10) Determine what action is required and do it.Moss informs us about precognitive/warning dreams and provides us with absorbing examples from his own dreams and those of his family and clients.There is also an exciting chapter about “dreaming for others” (though I found all the chapters exciting). Sometimes we pick up messages for other people in our dreams, and sometimes we seem to dream their dreams. We are all connected. “Waking or sleeping, we move through overlapping energy fields and mind fields.”What was new to me was Moss´ information about how he entered conscious dreams in order to seek information for others. Once he went into a “dark realm on the other side of death” in order to find the missing soul of an 11-year old boy, who had experienced soul loss through sexual abuse by a priest. This astral journey was successful, and the boy-soul was brought back to the adult man, so he could begin to live from his whole self.In other words, Moss is telling us that we can sit quietly with someone who has lost their joy or their way, and “maybe a chunk of soul” and dream for them. Thus, as he looks at it, you don´t necessarily need to be asleep when you dream. Or rather, Moss´ definition of dreaming differs somewhat from that of most people.All this is easier said than done, of course. I felt that I could have used more instruction on how I myself can do this entering of a conscious dream in waking state. Also, I feel that Moss has a natural talent for dreaming, including conscious dreaming, entering into dreams and advanced dream work of all kinds, which others do not necessarily possess.He shares with us how the great Roman orator and statesman, Cicero, who was sceptical about dreams, received forewarnings in his dreams about the circumstances leading to his “most unpleasant” death. However, he chose to ignore these warnings. Hitler, on the other hand, in 1917 in trench warfare had a terrifying dream of his death that guided him immediately to escape from his situation, resulting in his life being saved. Moss remarks that it was a pity that Hitler listened to his dreams, while Cicero did not.We are instructed on how to find our dream partner, find our dream home, about bringing our dreams to the workplace and into family life.The author is erudite and articulate, and this book contains references to other dream writers and cultural figures from history, in addition to providing us with a vast quantity of fascinating, personal dream experiences, including the author´s own. All in all, it is an absolutely rich, comprehensive work, since it includes all aspects of dreaming, and so many illuminating experiences. It is wonderfully written and difficult to put down. Thus, I highly, highly recommend that you read this book. If you are not particularly interested in dreams and dreaming before reading it, you will become so.
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