FULL Doubt!!, Vol. 1 by Kaneyoshi Izumi pdf online reading

FULL Doubt!!, Vol. 1 by Kaneyoshi Izumi pdf online reading

FULL Doubt!!, Vol. 1 by Kaneyoshi Izumi pdf online reading

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Book description

Book description
Average, unremarkable Ai Maekawa navigates school life unnoticed...until one day when a spiteful classmate totally humiliates her in front of everyone. Determined to jettison her embarrassing past, she overhauls her image and enrolls at a new high school where no one knows the old Ai. From the start, Ai is the target of romantic advances and jeolous gossip--can a formerly invisible girl handle this avalanche of attention? And is Ais erstwhile identity as a loser really as far behind her as she hopes?
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