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Book description
Its 1956, and ever since she and her mother rescued Angel Musseldorf from her abusive parents, Frankilee Baxter has been miserable. In addition to being more pretty, popular, and talented than Frankilee, Angel moves in, steals Frankilees clothing, and begins dating the boy Frankilee likes. At the same time, Frankilees community is struggling with the issue of school integration.What keeps Frankilee going is her fantasy about Elvis Presley rescuing her from life in Clover, Texas. But this restless teenager is a realist and doesnt wait around for things to get worse. She devises a plan to get rid of Angel, begins a local Elvis fan club, and works to promote integration. What Frankilee doesnt bargain for is becoming involved in a burglary, an elaborate kidnapping scheme, and a shooting.With humor and heart, Dancing with Elvis tells of one young womans coming of age in the South during a time of change in Americas history.
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