FULL Civilized Monsters: A Collection by Johnny Compton (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

FULL Civilized Monsters: A Collection by Johnny Compton (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

FULL Civilized Monsters: A Collection by Johnny Compton (Goodreads Author) epub ibooks ipad

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Book description
There are monsters all around us. Chances are they have already found you. Civilized Monsters: A Collection presents 11 short horror stories that feature refined cannibals, lonely and vengeful spirits, unseeable demons, and cruel human monsters disguised as ordinary people. These are stories that will terrify you, tear at your heart and mind, and leave you sleepless.Johnny Comptons stories have been appeared in Pseudopod, Arkham Tales, From the Asylum and other publications that feature horror fiction.
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