FULL Cassavetes on Cassavetes by John Cassavetes read without signing audio fb2 online

FULL Cassavetes on Cassavetes by John Cassavetes read without signing audio fb2 online

FULL Cassavetes on Cassavetes by John Cassavetes read without signing audio fb2 online

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Book description
Since his death in 1989, John Cassavettes has become increasingly renowned as a cinematic hero--a renegade loner who fought the Hollywood system, steering his own creative course in a career spanning thirty years. Having already established himself as an actor, he struck out as a filmmaker in 1959 with Shadows, and proceeded to build a formidable body of work, including such classics as Faces, Woman Under the Influence, The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, and Gloria. In Cassavettes on Cassavettes, Ray Carney presents the great director in his own words--frank, uncompromising, humane, and passionate about life and art.
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