FULL Cardenio: Days and Nights in the Wilderness by Leo Schulz (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

FULL Cardenio: Days and Nights in the Wilderness by Leo Schulz (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

FULL Cardenio: Days and Nights in the Wilderness by Leo Schulz (Goodreads Author) format download audio phone information

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Book description

Book description
Young and beautiful, Cardenio is drawn into a bizarre sexual journey. Equally attractive to women and men, he is acutely observant but never judges ― and never resists. As an adolescent he dresses in his mother’s clothes, allowing friends and girlfriends, and sometimes their parents, the pleasures of his masculine and feminine bodies. Some love him, others abuse him. At times, he too falls in love, and at times he can be abusive, too. He is expelled from school as his unbounded sexual permissiveness sows chaos among students and teachers. His beauty, freedom and Candide-like goodness lead him into a wilderness of prostitution and pornography, giving himself to gangsters, intellectuals, the curious and obsessive, sports stars, sadists, bikers, the lonely, the lost and the twisted.The story is set in Auckland in the 1970s and Cardenio’s consuming sexuality is an ironic and conflicted contrast to the oppressive sameness of the suburbs. At the end, retaining his innocence, tired rather than tainted, he finds a redemptive love.Although episodic, with each episode telling its own story, the characters, settings and themes recur, ultimately creating a unified narrative.
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