FULL Capturing Callie by Avery Gale fb2 ibooks

FULL Capturing Callie by Avery Gale fb2 ibooks

FULL Capturing Callie by Avery Gale fb2 ibooks

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Book description
Callie Reece has always been the responible one...and where has it gotten her? A low paying job as a reporter sent in a rowboat to spy on the ultra exclusive BDSM club that caters to Washingtons inner circle. Club owner Ian McGregor and his best friend, former Navy SEAL Jace Garrett, capture the tiny blonde beauty trying to sneak on the island. Ian is captivated by the woman he sees below the surface, and he recongnizes Callie as a submissive from the moment he looks into her eyes. Ian gives her a choice - jail or a month as his submissive. Is she brave enough to pursue a lifestyle shed already become interested in? But Callie is the last witness to a crime committed by the only son of US Senator John Westmore. And now Grant Westmore is seeking a powerful State Department appointment, and Callie is the last loose end standing in his way. Can Ian McGregors billions keep Callie safe?
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