FULL Buzz by Janet S. Wong online doc portable kindle wiki

FULL Buzz by Janet S. Wong online doc portable kindle wiki

FULL Buzz by Janet S. Wong online doc portable kindle wiki

> READ BOOK > Buzz



Book description

Book description
The soothing sound of a buzzing bee outside a window begins this story followed by the hectic routine of the morning that many families face today. From the moment the alarm clock buzzes Wake up! Daddys razor smoothes his rough face in one long slow buzz and the gardener mows the grass across the street, buzz. From the buzz of the morning breakfast, to the buzz of moms hair dryer as she gets ready for work. The buzz of the doorbell brings grandma into the story so that mom can buzz off to work like a busy bee.This delightful story emphasizes the use of onomatopoeia. Children are able to articulate the buzz sound at appropriate times throughout the book.This joyful book will be appealing to many young children today-especially for those with two working parents who experience this chaos on a daily basis.This book would be appropriate for students in preschool through second grade.
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