FULL Bicycling Magazines Ultimate Ride Guide: Programs, Tips, and Techniques to Enjoy Cycling Year-Round by John Reeser (Editor) review link english torrent book

FULL Bicycling Magazines Ultimate Ride Guide: Programs, Tips, and Techniques to Enjoy Cycling Year-Round by John Reeser (Editor) review link english torrent book

FULL Bicycling Magazines Ultimate Ride Guide: Programs, Tips, and Techniques to Enjoy Cycling Year-Round by John Reeser (Editor)

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Book description
Bicyclists are a passionate bunch. But for the average road cyclist or mountain biker, a basic training log has been hard to find -- until now. Bicycling Magazines Ultimate Ride Guide by John Reeser is a handy log that not only includes the essentials -- date, distance, time of ride, course, speed, and personal remarks -- but lots of useful and fun facts about stretching, how to fix a flat in under three minutes, which tools you shouldnt ride without, and much more. It also offers advice on training to race a century, checklists on how to dress for cycling comfort, and a calorie burn chart to help you reach your ideal cycling weight!
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