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The purists among the Janeites will likely view Bespelling Jane as another sacrilege in the ever-growing field of Austen adaptations, parodies, and alternate texts, but Austen fans with a taste for the paranormal will find much to enjoy in this anthology that contains stories by an unlikely quartet: Mary Balogh, perennial favorite historical romance novelist; Colleen Gleason, author of the popular Gardella Vampire Chronicles, a series about a female vampire hunter in Regency England; Susan Krinard, author of more than 20 paranormal romance and fantasy novels; and Janet Mullany, author of a handful of Regency-set historical romances that have been praised for their wit and originality.“Almost Persuaded,” Balogh’s first step into the paranormal after more than seventy novels and 25 novellas, pairs the theme of reincarnation with the basic plot of Austen’s Persuasion and creates this story of soul mates who have missed their HEA in other lives because of familial interference and their own lack of courage. They are given one more chance to get it right. This is very much a Balogh tale despite its paranormal touch, and Balogh’s many fans should appreciate it.Colleen Gleason’s “Northanger Castle” follows Austen’s Northanger Abbey more closely than Balogh follows Persuasion. This one is a light-hearted tale that offers a Gothic-obsessed heroine who finds truth a match for fiction. I’m not a fan of vampire reads, but I found the story amusing. It has been described as “Gardella-flavored,” so its appeal for Gleason’s fans should be strong.“Blood and Prejudice,” Susan Krinard’s contribution not only turns Darcy of Austens Pride and Prejudice into a vampire, a transformation other authors have used, but also moves the familiar story into a contemporary setting with an antique book specialist as heroine. She has some of the best lines in the novella. This was the first thing I’ve read by Krinard, so there was no reading history to offset my distaste for the vampire element. For me, this was the least successful story in the collection.I admire Janet Mullany’s wit and intelligence, so I was prepared to like “Little to Hex Her,” even though I don’t care for Emma. I laughed when I realized she had made Emma a witch and the owner of a dating service for supernaturals in Washington, D. C., and that was just the beginning of the fun. This is the most sensual of the novellas, a plus for some readers. I confess I prefer Mullany’s Emma to Austen’s, but the jury’s still out on Knightley.Overall, Bespelling Jane is an entertaining read. I suspect many readers who buy the anthology for one writer’s contribution will discover another author or more to add to the TBR stack.Note: I received a free electronic Advance Review Copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
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