FULL Bathroom Break by hyphen purchase book windows store epub

FULL Bathroom Break by hyphen purchase book windows store epub

FULL Bathroom Break by hyphen purchase book windows store epub

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Book description
It was a pretty interesting story. It just didnt grip me enough to last in my memory, so it gets 2 stars.(view spoiler)[The whole thing was cleverly orchestrated. Simon was in the mood for some rough play. Hes ambushed by two men in the bathroom of a bar. His only hope of escape seems to be a Dom from the bar that walks in on the scene, only to have him stand guard at the door and enjoy the show. Then the Dom also enjoys Simon before we are told the elusive savior/rapist is none other than Simons partner James. I guess what didnt work for me was the threat factor. There was the beginning of fear and apprehension but it soon vanished so I couldnt actually view this as a forced encounter.Still, points for how the story was delivered and for the characters themselves, as they had some nice qualities that shone through, even in such a small telling. (hide spoiler)]
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