FULL As the Crow Flies by Sheila Keenan touch francais english online view

FULL As the Crow Flies by Sheila Keenan touch francais english online view

FULL As the Crow Flies by Sheila Keenan touch francais english online view

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Book description
All day long, you’re on the go.You don’t have time to watch a crow. But we’re here . . . and here . . . and there.We poke our beaks in everywhere. Crows can be noisy. They can be nosy and bold, too, which some people find annoying. But if you are lucky enough to live in a place where crows roost, you know they can also be funny, ingenious, and beautiful.Beautiful to look at and fun to read aloud, this book created by Sheila Keenan and Kevin Duggan will make imaginations soar as high as the crow flies. 
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