FULL Another Brush Stroke by L.W. Barefoot (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

FULL Another Brush Stroke by L.W. Barefoot (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

FULL Another Brush Stroke by L.W. Barefoot (Goodreads Author) without signing reader touch wiki book

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Book description
WE CANNOT LEARN WITHOUT PAIN- ARISTOTLE Harpers running from her broken past. Haunted and tormented with the echo of the infamous Sculptors words and the scars his knife left behind. Evan Hawthorne always gets what he wants. His latest craving is the gorgeous but elusive artist, Harper. His sexual tastes are not for the faint of heart, but he instinctively knows that Harper is exactly who hes been searching for. Hes ready to release her from her past and indulge in his own desires. Her fate is sealed, Evan wont take no for an answer, but hes not the only one intrigued and desperate to break Harper out of her shell...or just break her. This is a full length novel and the first book in the Carnal Exhibitions Series. WARNING: This is not a traditional romance. *** Due to the dark and explicit nature of this work of fiction it is intended for a mature, 18+ audience only.*** Cliffhanger warning!
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