FULL AHA!: Being Liber CCXLII by Aleister Crowley cheap eReader page online audio

FULL AHA!: Being Liber CCXLII by Aleister Crowley cheap eReader page online audio

FULL AHA!: Being Liber CCXLII by Aleister Crowley cheap eReader page online audio

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Book description
I cant beleive I hadnt read this book before. I wasnt expecting much, just some obscure poetry as is typical in many cases with Crowley. But this little book really is wonderful. The format of the poem is a dialog between master and student. The poem covers the entire magickal path, going over all the stages of initiation, veils, the nature of thought, the 8 limbs of yoga, visions, ecstacy, void, finishing off with an inspired jaunt through Liber Legis. All this, plus a fascinating essay/introduction by Israel Regardie make this book a must read for any serious enlightenment attainee.
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