FULL A Clean Sweep With All the Trimmings by James Alan Gardner page ebook online torrent touch

FULL A Clean Sweep With All the Trimmings by James Alan Gardner page ebook online torrent touch

FULL A Clean Sweep With All the Trimmings by James Alan Gardner page ebook online torrent touch

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Book description
Award-winning science fiction author James Alan Gardner brings us Damon Runyon-esque tale of courteous guys, bulletproof dolls, and the fedora-clad spacemen that bring them together.This week marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of the death of American writer Damon Runyon, best known for his delightful, distinctive prose style and for the series of post-Prohibition New York stories that eventually inspired the musical Guys and Dolls.This story was acquired and edited for Tor.com by editor Liz Gorinsky.At the publishers request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management software (DRM) applied.
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