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FREE XHTML & CSS Essentials for Lib Web by Michael P. Sauers store iBooks epub prewiew free

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Book description
Keeping your library Web page up-to-date with the latest in Web technology requires understanding XHTML (eXtensible Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Sauers has written this how-to specifically for librarians. He thoroughly explains XHTML and CSS using library Web pages as examples. Utilizing these two current standards will make designing and maintaining Web pages easier.For example, XHTML and CSS make laborious tasks like changing the color of every one of your librarys Web pages into a simple thirty-second project. Sauers easy-to-follow, conversational tone conveys technological knowledge simply and clearly. Each of the chapter-lessons builds upon the previous ones. Coverage includes Web design standards, XHTML coding, metadata, XHTML and CSS validation, CSS classes and IDs, converting from HTML to XHTML, and advanced tutorials for both XHTML and CSS.
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