FREE Within the Tides by Joseph Conrad information wiki author book francais

FREE Within the Tides by Joseph Conrad information wiki author book francais

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Book description
Those who read me know my conviction that the world, the temporal world, rests on a few very simple ideas; so simple that they must be as old as the hills. It rests notably, amongst others, on the idea of Fidelity - Joseph ConradWritten at various times, under various influences, the four stories contained in Within the Tides are linked by Conrads treatment of loyalty and betrayal. They range in setting from the Far East via eighteenth-century Spain to England. The tone shifts from the tragic inevitability of The Planter of Malata and the pathos of Because of the Dollars to the gothic The Inn of the Two Witches and the grim humour of The Partner. The form of the stories was experimental but does not obscure Conrads humanity or his search for moral truth.Here, then, we have a master of the English language - F.R. LeavisThe cover shows a detail from A Coast Scene by Henry Wallis
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