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FREE Wildfire by Ralph Cotton original find online kindle book

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Book description
BURNING UP Arizona Ranger Sam Burrack’s on the trail of a gang of bank robbers, a mission that’s led him right into the path of a raging wildfire. As the pines around him go up in flames, Burrack is determined to catch the murderous Cheyenne Kid and his gang and recover the money they stole. But Burrack isn’t the only one with a case against the Kid. When Gilley Maclaine overhears the Cheyenne Kid reveal his plans to kill her, she swipes the money he promised her and gives him a swift kick on her way out the door. Burrack knows that robbing a robber is dangerous, and that the Kid won’t let Gilley’s betrayal go unpunished. Now he has to stick close to Gilley and hope that he can catch the outlaws before the wildfire catches him…  
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