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FREE The Western Church in the Middle Ages by John A.F. Thomson german information ios free touch

FREE The Western Church in the Middle Ages by John A.F. Thomson german information ios free touch

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Book description
From its origins in the ancient world as a rival to traditional paganism, Christianity has grown to become one of the most widely practiced religions in the world. This book explores how the Church took over spiritual control of Western Europe in the Middle Ages to become the very foundation of life--setting a moral agenda for all of society and dominating its intellectual pursuits.Covering the period between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Reformation, this account is structured in three chronological blocks: the gradual development of unity within the Western Church up to the eleventh century; the centralization phase between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries; and the break-up of the centralization of power in the later Middle Ages. Organizational developments and changes in spirituality and doctrine are examined, and the history of the papacy is situated in the wider context of changes in both ecclesiastical and lay society. Intellectual developments and the rise of heresy--at both the elite and popular levels--are also considered in a telling exploration of the mental world of medieval Christendom.
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