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FREE The Warren by Fred L. Tate read eng italian price online

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Book description
Referred to by one reviewer as Beautiful heartbreaking animal stories, The Warren is a novel of rabbit stories as told by rabbits that will manage to mend your heart again by the end of each story. Filled with tales of how tame house rabbits and wild rabbits live and die; each story is an individual story which still manages to blend into the other stories within the novel to form the complete novel. The first of author Fred L. Tates five planned novels in The Warren series of animal novels, The Warren is to be followed by; Melanie the Badger, Aataentsic, and The Watcher by the Wall. Fred L. Tate has also completed the first novel of his second series of animal novels, Revenant; the story of a wild wolf, and his young human companion, in his forest.
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