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4.5 starsThis was another fantastic read from Shelly Laurenston. I was thoroughly entertained and I wish I could linger in the world she has created just a little while longer. You shouldnt read this book unless you have read the first one, The Unleashing. S.L. literally unleashed a whole world in it, filled with so much new information and characters it was a tad overwhelming. This book thankfully is relatively toned down, not just in information but general Crow hijinks. It does re-cap some facts here and there but not in an exasperating-Ive read-this-100-times-already way. As in the first book our main characters are the Crows, Skulds Harbingers of Death. Specifically here Jace,the Crowss Berserker. Jace, like all the Crows met an untimely death, at the hands of her husband. For a person that has been through so much she is level headed despite the Berserker rage that grips her every so often, usually after a physical confrontation or threat to her friends. Quite unlike her fellow Crows, she craves quiet and solitude to read her books in peace. Its not that she doesnt love all of them just that she needs that space to recharge.The Protectors were created by the God Tyr, just as Skuld has Crows and Odin has Ravens, Tyr has Owls. They were created to be humanitys Protectors with a strong sense of justice and natural enemies of the Crows and Ravens. After killing each other extensively they finally realized that the Crows and Ravens and indeed all the Clans were essential to keep Ragnarok(End of Days) from happening. The Protectors are studious with an almost fanatic love for books. Protecting and acquiring knowledge is their life. Protector Ski Eriksen approaches Jace with a job offer she agrees to after being put on the spot by her leader Chloe. Ski is the Protectors second in command and tries to take care of his Clan when they get too absorbed in their studies to notice the outside world. Jace fits right in with their ways and endears herself to them.The plot picks up where it was left of at the end of the previous book. The spoiler is for those that have already read the first book, if you havent it wont make much sense to you (view spoiler)[ I was a smidge disappointed that instead of busting Betty out of the psych ward, they actually get her out by legal means (hide spoiler)]
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