FREE The Sacred City of the Ethiopians: Travels and Research in Abyssinia in 1893 by James Theodore Bent epub online reading

FREE The Sacred City of the Ethiopians: Travels and Research in Abyssinia in 1893 by James Theodore Bent epub online reading

FREE The Sacred City of the Ethiopians: Travels and Research in Abyssinia in 1893 by James Theodore Bent epub online reading

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Book description

Book description
James Theodore Bent was an English explorer, archaeologist and author. He was educated at Repton School and Wadham College, Oxford, where he graduated in 1875. He went abroad every year and became thoroughly acquainted with Italy and Greece. In 1879 he published a book on the republic of San Marino, entitled A Freak of Freedom, and was made a citizen of San Marino. Bent then visited at considerable risk the almost unknown Hadramut country (1893-1894), and during this and later journeys in southern Arabia he studied the ancient history of the country, its physical features and actual condition. Mrs. Bent, who had contributed by her skill as a photographer and in other ways to the success of her husbands journeys, published in 1900 Southern Arabia, Soudan and Sakotra, which she recorded the results of their last expedition into those regions.
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