FREE The Russian Bride by Juliette Banks (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

FREE The Russian Bride by Juliette Banks (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

FREE The Russian Bride by Juliette Banks (Goodreads Author) txt online reading

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Book description
He knew exactly what she needed, exactly how far to take her. Natasha, a Russian-born woman living in London, catches the eye of Viktor, a middle-aged Russian gangster. He wants her as his wife, the mother of his son, and his submissive partner in the kinky sex he enjoys at his isolated home near Saint Petersburg. But he doesn’t ask her to accompany him – he just takes what he wants. Surprisingly, Natasha begins to accept her new life. Is she really a natural submissive, or has Viktor brainwashed her? Viktor is adamant that he will not have sex with her until they are married, but he shows her just how kinky he likes it by taking her to orgies held by his friend, and tells her that this is the type of life she can expect as his wife. Everything turns sour, however, and on a visit to London, Natasha has to flee for her life – where a businessman, James Miller, comes to her aid. Over the course of the next few days, Natasha tells James her story, and as horrified as he is, he cannot deny his attraction to the beautiful young woman. He vows to help her. Neither of them realize quite how much danger they will be in for defying Viktor, but James is willing to risk everything to rescue her from this man. Can he do it? And does Natasha return his feelings? Publisher’s Note: This fast-paced tale contains explicit themes including power exchange, multiple sexual partners, and discipline scenarios. If such material offends, please do not purchase.
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