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Lady XEveryone knew Lady X . . . or, at least, everyone knew of her. The masked courtesan was reputedly a noblewoman fallen on hard times. What Lord James had not known was that she was Lady Margaret Wentworth—the feisty sister of his best friend. Gerald claimed his sibling was beautiful, virtuous, naive; and he had forced James into an oath of protection. But when James tracked the girl to a house of ill repute, what other explanation could there be but that Maggie was Londons most enigmatic wanton?Lord, Why?Snatching the wench away would be a ticklish business, and after that, things would get harder. James had to ignore his quarrys violent protests that he was an idiot, that she was never the infamous X. He had to find a way to reform the hoyden, to save her from scandal. He had to steer clear of his own meddling aunt—all while keeping his hands off those luscious goods that the rest of the ton had reputedly sampled. And, with Maggie, hardest of all would be keeping himself from falling in love.  
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