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FREE The Opossums Tale by Deborah L. Duvall kindle download finder value ebay

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Book description
Have you ever seen an opossum, hurrying across the road with its eyes and coat shining in your headlights? Or hanging upside down from a tree? Or lying on the ground playing possum as if dead? And did you ever wonder why the opossum acts this way?The ancient Cherokee people wondered about the opossum, whose silly grin and hairless tail caught their imagination. In those days, the people had no written language, and they relied on stories to explain the behavior of the animals in their world. According to Cherokee legend, the Opossum owned a magnificent tail, covered in glistening fur, of which he was terribly proud. The tail was so magnificent, in fact, that the Opossum thought it his duty to make everyone else appreciate it as well.In this seventh volume of the Grandmother Stories, Si-qua the Opossum brags constantly about his tail until his neighbors can stand it no more. Something must be done about him! The prideful Si-qua is overcome by loss and despair when his outer beauty is suddenly gone. But an unexpected ally helps Si-qua discover powerful abilities within himself that will soon win the true admiration of his friends.
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