FREE The Occult Nature of God: Questioning the Nature of Divinity by Tarl Warwick ios tom acquire free audio

FREE The Occult Nature of God: Questioning the Nature of Divinity by Tarl Warwick ios tom acquire free audio

FREE The Occult Nature of God: Questioning the Nature of Divinity by Tarl Warwick ios tom acquire free audio

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Book description
This work comprises a short series of logical exercises and ruminations on the divine; from eight basic categories designated to the divine on the basis of the existence (or lack thereof) of free will and eternal punishment, as well as further contents dedicated to pantheism, multiverse theory, and similar theories with their own thoughts on the possible nature or absence of divinity. One part logical exercise and one part philosophy, it seeks to categorize deities according to these, attempting to compare and contrast with existing religious groups and beliefs where able.
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