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FREE The Nurse by Amy Cross (Goodreads Author) free english txt how to store

FREE The Nurse by Amy Cross (Goodreads Author) free english txt how to store

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Book description
“Twenty years ago, something very bad happened in this house. But its over now. I promise.” When Rachel moves to a new house with her mother, she immediately realizes that something isnt quite right. Although shes blind, Rachel can tell that the stories about the houses past dont add up. And slowly, she starts to worry that someone or something from that past might still be around. Soon, Rachel learns the story of the houses previous occupant, a troubled nurse who spent every waking moment caring for a sick old man. The nurse eventually lost her mind, resulting in a series of horrific murders, but have the events of that awful time truly been left behind? Or is something stirring in the night, something that only Rachel seems to notice? The Nurse is the story of a girl who finds herself trapped in a sinister house, and a woman who believes shes being haunted by the ghost of a long-dead child. Contains scenes of violence.
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