FREE The Medusa Reader by Marjorie Garber (Editor) txt download free

FREE The Medusa Reader by Marjorie Garber (Editor) txt download free

FREE The Medusa Reader by Marjorie Garber (Editor) txt download free

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Book description
Ms. Garber, a Harvard professor, and Ms. Vickers, President of Bryn Mawr College, have assembled a collection of literary and philosophical writings on the myth of Medusa. And this is pretty much all theyve done. Assembled. There is no additional context or editorial guidance here to turn the work into anything more than a file folder with material on the gorgon. One gets the sense they needed all these passages in a single book that they could then assign as required reading for their university students. Which makes it less a book than a tutorial hand-out. It definitely reads like one.
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