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Somewhere in the back of my mind I had expected this book to disappoint. After all, its often the case that a series loses focus and value over time, as the initial conceits wear thin. Besides, even though I did not remember what stories were where, I had read these at least once before, and my recollection was that eventually the stories started to get dull. So I am pleased to have been surprised at how good this actually was.My first positive note was when I realized how quickly I was devouring the book. I was a good two-thirds of the way through the first book in very little time at all, and enjoying it thoroughly. Certainly I remembered quite a bit of the story, but somehow most of the big twists and turns had faded from my recollection.The first of the two books, Myth Directions, centers on a sports event that is somewhere between rugby on steroids and paintball with real guns. Skeeve becomes involved in this because Tanda, the enticing Trollop from the dimension Trollia, takes him shopping with her so she can find something truly unique to give to Ahz as a birthday present, and settles on stealing the trophy from The Big Game in the dimension Jahk. The Big Game settles not only which of two cities--Ta-hoe or Veygus--gets to hold the trophy, but which city rules the world for the next year. Upon their arrival one city has just won the game, but before the duo can steal the trophy the other city steals it first. Tanda gets caught, and Skeeve escapes to find Ahz; they learn that the city magician holding Tanda prisoner is the demon hunter they embarrassed in the first book, and ultimately determine that the only way to get the trophy is to challenge both cities to a three-way game for it. They pull some fancy stunts and squeak out a win, then vanish with their prize.Hit or Myth picks up from there, with several disrupting events happening in quick succession to put Skeeve in a difficult spot. First, Ahz is taken back to Perv by his nephew Rupert, then King Roderick explains to Skeeve that he wants to take a vacation but needs the court magician to use his mastery of disguise to substitute for him in his absence, then Skeeve discovers that the Kings departure has been timed to escape the arrival of his intended bride (a political marriage--her country wants military might and has incredible gold reserves), then the city magician from the other city, a very large woman named Maasha with very gaudy attire, arrives to ask Skeeve to take her as his apprentice, then representatives of The Mob arrive seeking the army Skeeve defeated and of course Skeeve himself. Yet with a bit of help from his new apprentice Maasha, and connecting with a couple of old friends from the Yellow Crescent Inn on Deva, Skeeve manages to resolve everything without the aid of Ahz, although in the process he quits the cushy job as court magician.At this point the book shifts to a new story, or perhaps a very long denouement. To get the mob out of his own country, Skeeve gave them instructions for reaching Deva--a world of shopkeepers with no police and no law, which they believe they will be able to exploit admirably. Unfortunately, the deveel merchant association, unable to fight this new threat themselves, decide that they need to hire the one magician whose fame suggests he might be up to the task: Skeeve. Thus our wizard, this time with Ahz helping direct matters, has to find a way to persuade The Mob that Deva is a losing proposition without letting them know he is in any way involved.By the end of the book, Skeeve and Ahz are nicely established in their own place on Deva, being paid by The Mob to represent their interests and prevent their involvement from becoming a costly fiasco, and by the deveels to keep The Mob out of Deva. It also sets them up for adventures in upcoming books very nicely, adds Maasha to their team, and leaves us eager to read what happens next.It was a very enjoyable read. Many of the original conceits are still here, including characters being confused by common idioms whose meaning is so culturally connected that you could not possibly understand them apart from our world, and the misattributed misquotes at the beginning of the chapters, one of which had the rare effect of causing me to laugh aloud while reading. It is a wonderfully light fantasy comedy with plenty of plot and twists to keep it interesting.
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