FREE The History of the United States (Great Courses, #8500) by Gary W. Gallagher value tablet bookstore online touch

FREE The History of the United States (Great Courses, #8500) by Gary W. Gallagher value tablet bookstore online touch

FREE The History of the United States (Great Courses, #8500) by Gary W. Gallagher value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description

Book description
This is the chronicle of a nation that enslaved a race of people. And of a nation that fought a Civil War that freed its slaves, and outlawed segregation and discrimination.This is history shaped by Revolutionary War and Vietnam, Thomas Jefferson and William Jefferson Clinton, Puritanism and Feminism, Booker T. Washington and Martin Luther King, Jamestown and Disneyland, Harpers Ferry and Henry Ford, oil wells and Orson Welles.This is a review of the extraordinary blend of people, ideas, inventions, and events that comprise The History of the United States. In this seven-part, 84-lecture series, three noted historians and lecturers—two of whom teach other popular Teaching Company courses—present the nations past through their areas of special interest.
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