FREE The Final Four by Paul Volponi (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

FREE The Final Four by Paul Volponi (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

FREE The Final Four by Paul Volponi (Goodreads Author) torrent read offline audio text

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Book description
This book is talking about the university basketball league in US which is the NCAA.This book begin with a kid called Malcolm McBride, he is the point guard of the Michigan State Spartans. In a game they were left down within 2 points and they only have got 6.9 seconds left but Malcolm crossed-over but suddenly step back for a wide space jumper and he knocks down a 3 point buzzer-beater with a tight defence. This book had shows that a sport can transcend different experiences, backgrounds and beliefs. Just because the game clock had stopped doesnt means that the hearts of the ten basketball players on the court have quit bounding. This is why the name of the book is called The Final Four.I love the part when Paul Volponi describing the movement of player when playing basketball on court because hes not just using the key-words in basketball he is describing the every single movement in the story.
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