FREE The Exchange Officers by Brad R. Torgersen book pdf how to prewiew android

FREE The Exchange Officers by Brad R. Torgersen book pdf how to prewiew android

FREE The Exchange Officers by Brad R. Torgersen book pdf how to prewiew android

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Book description
Slightly to my surprise, it turns out Vox Days novelette is not the worst Hugo nominee this year. So far at least, this is. (Torgersen has been nominated before, of course, so we can also say this is the worst Torgersen nominee ever: he can write better than this.)Its turgid, dull stuff, broken up by periodic sideswipes (at Europe, the female President (wonder who that could be?), communism, and other equally obvious targets for a right-wing author), and generously larded with admiration for the military. The plot, such as it is, is simple: evil Chinese astronauts attack US space platform and are defeated by two plucky US military types, operating robots remotely from earth. There could have been some interesting exploration of the issues this raises: the Chinese attackers are actually present in the battle while our heroes are not, and our heroes do momentarily seem embarrassed about the fact that theyre not actually at personal risk. But thats quickly brushed aside, and the deaths of the Chinese attackers are treated with much the same degree of solemnity as the destruction of a solar panel that opens the story. Theyre objects in this story, thats all. Id love to point out some redeeming quality in this story but there isnt one. Lucky to get one star.
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