FREE The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price by Lynn O'Shaughnessy selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

FREE The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price by Lynn O'Shaughnessy selling online without signing buy СЃhapter

FREE The College Solution: A Guide for Everyone Looking for the Right School at the Right Price by Lynn O'Shaughnessy selling

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Book description
As a college admissions consultant, I help my clients focus on the key question: What unique strengths do you have to offer that this college needs?Lynn OShaughnessy has taken this question to a new level. Her book adds the financial element to that equation. A students ability to fill a colleges gaps and meet its specific institutional needs, not only drives acceptance, but influences a colleges financial generosity as well, when it comes to merit scholarships. This is a simple, intuitive concept that not many families recognize. As families push their high schoolers to stretch themselves to apply to prestigious reach colleges, they are overlooking great educational opportunities. If you get into Ivy U by the skin of your teeth, and you feel like they are doing you a favor by letting you squeak in, you are unlikely to get any financial incentives for going there. But if you are bringing something special to Under Ivy U, and they really want you for the distinctive contributions you can make (i.e., freshman stats, sports, arts, academic potential), they might feel a little more like you are doing them a favor, and theyll be willing to offer you a financial incentive to do so.Simple, isnt it? Thank you, Ms. OShaughnessy, for pointing out such a clear and brilliant principle. I suggest your book to all my students, and will continue to do so!
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