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Book description
The Loner didnt just bust out of jail, he busted out twice. The third time might be the charm-or a bullet in the belly.A Bounty On His Head. A Gun In His Hand.He didnt want much-just the chance to drift out of Texas into New Mexico Territory. Thats when the Loner discovered there was a price on his head. A victim of mistaken identity, he broke out of Hell Gate Prison a few years back. Now, hes behind bars again, until a sheriffs love-struck daughter decides to come to his aid, and a beautiful bounty hunter-who also has eyes for the Loner-joins in.Riding out of the frying pan and into the fire of a land war, the Loner has all kinds of murderous cutthroats on his trail. But he doesnt have any problem with women-as long as theyre willing to ride on the wild side once the lead starts flying.
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