FREE The Ancient Oracle: A Beginners Guide to the Art of Tarot by John Heath (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

FREE The Ancient Oracle: A Beginners Guide to the Art of Tarot by John Heath (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

FREE The Ancient Oracle: A Beginners Guide to the Art of Tarot by John Heath (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

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Book description
Guiding the new Tarot reader from their very first contact with the cards up to becoming competent The Ancient Oracle guides the newcomer to Tarot from their very first steps, selecting appropriate decks and paraphernalia and onwards to being able to competently read a Tarot spread. This book discards many of the methods found elsewhere and focuses on the reader, preparing them to become a Tarot reader through understanding the process rather than following instructions by rote. Included are full instructions on: selecting appropriate equipment, developing card handling techniques, four suits descriptions and meanings for all 78 cards along with many other aspects of the art of Tarot reading required for attaining the newcomer into a competent Tarot reader. A range of Tarot spreads are included in the book, this selection of spreads includes two layouts specifically designed for the student of Tarot to practice both their card handling and developing an effective narrative.
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