FREE Someone for Mr. Sussman by Patricia Polacco pdf ibooks iphone

FREE Someone for Mr. Sussman by Patricia Polacco pdf ibooks iphone

FREE Someone for Mr. Sussman by Patricia Polacco pdf ibooks iphone

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Book description
Jerome?s bubbie is a matchmaker?the greatest in the whole neighborhood. She even found a match for the Firesteins? son, and that was a miracle! She?s found a match for everyone. Everyone except for Mr. Sussman?and herself, that is. But Mr. Sussman is impossible! ?Too picky!? Jerome cautions Bubbie after each appointment. But Bubbie is determined to make this match, no matter what lengths she must go to. And in a satisfying and sweet conclusion, this comedy of errors proves Bubbie?s motto: No pot is so crooked that there isn?t a lid to fit it!
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