FREE Slightly Foxed No. 50: Wilder Shores by Gail Pirkis (Editor) francais get link library free

FREE Slightly Foxed No. 50: Wilder Shores by Gail Pirkis (Editor) francais get link library free

FREE Slightly Foxed No. 50: Wilder Shores by Gail Pirkis (Editor) francais get link library free

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Book description
Michael Holroyd enters the scary world of novelist Dan Rhodes • Liz Forsyth hits the trail that led to Brokeback Mountain • Richard Mabey shares Lesley Blanch’s gastronomic adventures • Sue Gee finds life is changing in 1930s rural England • Robin Blake follows Gulliver on his travels • Sue Gaisford discovers Who’s Who in Grunty Fen • Patrick Welland returns to the Raj with J. G. Farrell • Laura Freeman remembers the romance Elizabeth David preferred to forget • Gary Mead seeks a cure for depression • Alexandra Harris watches the making of a Shropshire garden .
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