FREE Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application, and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini by Douglas T. Kenrick (Editor) iBooks online how read via how to

FREE Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application, and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini by Douglas T. Kenrick (Editor) iBooks online how read via how to

FREE Six Degrees of Social Influence: Science, Application, and the Psychology of Robert Cialdini by Douglas T. Kenrick (Editor)

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Book description
The book consists of 14 Chapters, each an essay written by Cialdinis fellow researchers in his honor.From summarizing findings about something, to proposing how social psychology research should proceed, there are various topics being treated in this book.Since Im no psychologist, I couldnt really appreciate chapter 12 at all, being way more technical than the rest of the writings. I also found chapters 1 and 14 to be more or less on the same line, though both more fathomable than chapter 12 (i.e. something probably only a social psychologist will be able to appreciate or be interested in).Other than that, the remaining 11 chapters contained information that the casual reader would mostly be able to understand, discussing really interesting topics, or presenting studies to prove points in a more accessible way. If you have read Robert Cialdinis Influence or Yes (Cialdini et al.), and liked knowing about how the smallest things can persuade someone, and the different ways to achieve that or guard from it, you will probably like this book.For those that havent read those books, Id say read them first (at least Influence), to have a notion of the basics and being able to appreciate more this book.
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