FREE Short Story Collections Stanislaw Lem: The Cyberiad, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, the Star Diaries by Books LLC download book epub

FREE Short Story Collections Stanislaw Lem: The Cyberiad, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, the Star Diaries by Books LLC download book epub

FREE Short Story Collections Stanislaw Lem: The Cyberiad, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, the Star Diaries by Books LLC download book epub

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Book description
Chapters: The Cyberiad, Tales of Pirx the Pilot, the Star Diaries. Source: Wikipedia. Pages: 20. Not illustrated. Free updates online. Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publishers book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Excerpt: The Cyberiad (Polish: ) is a series of short stories by Stanisaw Lem. The Polish version was first published in 1967, with an English translation appearing in 1974. The main protagonists of the series are Trurl and Klapaucius, the constructors. The vast majority of characters are either robots, or intelligent machines. The stories focus on problems of the individual and society, as well as on the vain search for human happiness through technological means. Two of these stories were included in the book The Minds I. Trurl and Klapaucius are brilliant (robotic) engineers, called constructors (because they can construct practically anything at will), capable of almost God-like exploits. For instance, on one occasion Trurl creates an entity capable of extracting accurate information from the random motion of gas particles, which he calls a Demon of the Second Kind. He describes the Demon of the First Kind as a Maxwells demon. On another, the two constructors re-arrange stars near their home planet in order to advertise. The duo are best friends and rivals. When they are not busy constructing revolutionary mechanisms at home, they travel the universe, aiding those in need. Although the characters are firmly established as good and righteous, they take no shame in accepting handsome rewards for their services. If rewards were promised and not delivered, the constructors may even severely punish those who deceived them. The universe of The Cyberiad is pseudo-Medieval. There are kingdoms, knights, princesses, and even dragons in abundance. Robots are usually anthropomorphic, to the point of being divided into sexes. Love and marriage are possibl...More: http: //
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