FREE Secrets of Serotonin: The Natural Hormone That Curbs Food and Alcohol Cravings, Reduces Pain, and Elevates Your Mood by Carol Hart access find acquire online buy

FREE Secrets of Serotonin: The Natural Hormone That Curbs Food and Alcohol Cravings, Reduces Pain, and Elevates Your Mood by Carol Hart access find acquire online buy

FREE Secrets of Serotonin: The Natural Hormone That Curbs Food and Alcohol Cravings, Reduces Pain, and Elevates Your Mood by Carol

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DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE YOUR MOOD, ENERGY LEVELS, AND MORE!Serotonin has a powerful effect on the brain: enough and you feel great; too little and you may binge on food and alcohol, get a migraine, suffer from insomnia, or become depressed. In fact, millions of people take prescription antidepressants every day to compensate for their low serotonin levels, without knowing that changes in diet and lifestyle may be all they need to improve their mood. This revised and updated edition features the latest research on serotonin, including:*The link between yo-yo dieting and serotonin deficiencies*How serotonin is connected to eating disorders *Why migraines and depression are far more common among women than men*Serotonins role in relieving irritable bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain conditionsThe complete eating and activity program in Secrets of Serotonin will guide you toward relatively simple changes in your eating and sleep habits, bright light exposure, and activity level that will boost serotonin naturally and have an enormous benefit for your overall health and well-being.CAROL HART, PH.D., is a respected biomedical writer, editor, and researcher. She is the author of Good Food Tastes Good: An Argument for Trusting Your Senses and Ignoring the Nutritionists and co-author of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The A-Z Guide to Natural Healing from the Orient. She lives in Pennsylvania.
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