FREE Savage Stalker by Kathleen Kelly (Goodreads Author) online flibusta story tablet free

FREE Savage Stalker by Kathleen Kelly (Goodreads Author) online flibusta story tablet free

FREE Savage Stalker by Kathleen Kelly (Goodreads Author) online flibusta story tablet free

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Book description
Katarina Saunders. Kat to the world, international rock star. Lead singer for The Grinders. Until an accident that ruins her career and sends her running into the mountains, away from everything and everyone.Dane Reynolds, President of the Savage Angels MC. Fierce, strong and loyal. He’s had his eye on Kat for a while now and has been waiting for her to come to him, but he’s had enough of waiting. He’s decided it’s time to make her his. But so has her stalker, he’s been waiting for far too long…Can Dane save Kat? Or will her savage stalker get to her first?
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