FREE Queer Art: A Freak Theory by Renate Lorenz download epub without registering fb2 free

FREE Queer Art: A Freak Theory by Renate Lorenz download epub without registering fb2 free

FREE Queer Art: A Freak Theory by Renate Lorenz download epub without registering fb2 free

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Book description
A queer theory of visual art based on extensive readings of art works, Queer Art traces the question of how strategies of denormalization initiated by visual arts can be continued through writing. The book combines art theoretical debates with queer theory, post-colonial theory, and (dis-)ability studies, proposing the three terms radical drag, transtemporal drag, and abstract drag. The works discussed include those by Zoe Leonard, Shinique Smith, Jack Smith, Wu Ingrid Tsang, Ron Vawter, Bob Flanagan, Henrik Olesen, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Sharon Hayes, and Pauline Boudry/Renate Lorenz.
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