FREE Putting Up More: A Guide to Canning Jams, Relishes, Chutneys, Pickles, Sauces, and Salsas by Steve Dowdney mobi online free

FREE Putting Up More: A Guide to Canning Jams, Relishes, Chutneys, Pickles, Sauces, and Salsas by Steve Dowdney mobi online free

FREE Putting Up More: A Guide to Canning Jams, Relishes, Chutneys, Pickles, Sauces, and Salsas by Steve Dowdney mobi online free

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Book description

Book description
Renowned Southern canner Stephen Dowdneys second book on home canning shares his personal recipe successes that can turn the simplest of fares into exciting restaurant-grade presentations. Each recipe is annotated with its best uses. Also included: a step-by-step narrative for jams, jellies, and preserves; for relishes, chutneys and pickles; for salsas, soups, marinades, and dressings. Plus, recipes for a variety of jams, vinegars, sauces, and seasonings will appeal to every palate that craves spicy hot!
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