FREE Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model by James Levin without registering book ebay read story

FREE Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model by James Levin without registering book ebay read story

FREE Principles of Classroom Management: A Professional Decision-Making Model by James Levin without registering book ebay read

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Book description
Written for classroom management and general methods courses, the Fourth Edition of Principles of Classroom Managementprovides a theoretically-based and practical system for helping teachers prevent disruptive behavior, influence appropriate behavior and continue to provide a positive learning environment for their students.This concise text presents an array of decision-making options that guide teachers in thinking about how to approach particular classroom management situations and choose from a range of options designed to prevent, cope with, and solve a range of problems. A variety of theoretical perspectives, each fleshed out with cases taken from actual classrooms, gives students many choices for handling issues that may arise in their classrooms.
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