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FREE Plan Graphics, 5th Edition by David A. Davis wiki book find txt online

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Book description
The classic text on the art and science of graphic communication in landscape architecture-now updated with all-new graphic examples of professional design work. To a great extent, your success as a landscape architect will depend upon the quality of the drawings and renderings you use to communicate your ideas at each stage of the design process. The purpose of this book is to show you examples of how to create persuasive presentation graphics that convey design ideas with clarity, precision, and grace to your intended audience. With the help of a comprehensive collection of contemporary design work, the authors acquaint you with the best traditional graphic presentation methods, as well as innovative new approaches used at some of todays leading landscape architecture firms. This new edition features:* Graphic communication methods for all phases of the design process.* Hand-rendering and computer-generated techniques.* Coverage of lettering, color graphics, site analysis, conceptual drawings, construction documents, and finished renderings, sections, and elevations.* More than 275 all-new graphics examples.* A 48-page, full-color graphics gallery.* Contributions from nearly 50 respected firms, including Altoon + Porter, Christy TenEyck, Design Workshop, EDSA, EDAW, Lehman Smith Wiseman, and Mesa Design Group.The updated and expanded version of the book that has trained generations of landscape architects in effective graphic communication techniques, Plan Graphics, Fifth Edition is essential reading for landscape architecture students and entry-level landscape architects. It is also a valuable working resource for landscape architects, architects, planners, civil engineers, and landscape contractors.
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