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> READ BOOK > A Living Covenant

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Book description
This interpretation of Jewish teaching by one of todays leading thinkers in the Jewish world will appeal to all people seeking to understand the relationship between the idea of divine demand and the human response, between religious tradition and modernity.The Judaic tradition is often seen as being more concerned with uncritical obedience to law than with individual freedom and responsibility. In A Living Covenant, Hartman challenges this approach revealing a Judaism grounded in a covenant-a relational framework-informed by the metaphor of marital love rather than that of parent-child dependency. This view of life places the individual firmly within community. Hartman shows that the Judaic tradition need not be understood in terms of human passivity and resignation, but rather as a vehicle by which human individuality and freedom can be expressed within a relational matrix.With passion and erudition, David Hartman argues for a version of Judaism that is at once faithful to the tradition and fitted to the requirements of modernity. He writes like Jacob wrestling with the angel, and the result, for the reader, is an exhilarating experience. --Michael Walzer, Institute for Advanced Study, PrincetonThis deep philosophical treatise-filled with new, nuanced interpretations of Torah and Talmud-reads like a novel that one cannot put down until reaching the very last page. --Judith Hauptman, Rabbi Philip R. Alstat Associate Professor of Talmud, The Jewish Theological Seminary; author of Rereading the Rabbis: A Womans VoiceI learned much from this book, and I appreciate its theo-logical courage and originality. --Harold M. Schulweis, Rabbi, Cong. Valley Beth Shalom, Encino, Calif.; author of For Those Who Cant Believe
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