FREE Pastors Handbook by John R. Bisagno read pdf on iphone

FREE Pastors Handbook by John R. Bisagno read pdf on iphone

FREE Pastors Handbook by John R. Bisagno read pdf on iphone

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Book description
Powerful. Practical. Pastoral. Pastor’s Handbook is the major expansion and revision of beloved preacher John R. Bisagno’s previously heralded work, Letters to Timothy. Based on his sixty years in ministry, it now includes 160 brief yet powerful chapters of practical insight for handling real life pastoral issues—“things that might have fallen through the cracks in seminary.” Bisagno still mentors young pastors in his retirement and recognizes new challenges in this profession known for its high dropout rate. Keeping that in mind, Pastor’s Handbook adds helpful entries on such issues as “The Seeker Friendly Church,” “Solving Worship Wars,” “Multiple Campuses,” “New Media,” and “Home Groups” as well as “Internet Pornography,” “Biblical Inerrancy,” “The High Cost of Overnight Change,” “Homosexuality,” “Christianity and Islam,” and more than a dozen other timely topics. Bisagno also refreshes many of the original chapters, factoring in new world issues and his updated survey of pastoral colleagues.In the foreword, pastor and best-selling author Rick Warren (The Purpose-Driven Life) writes, “My prayer is that an entire new generation of pastors and church planters will use this book to develop the necessary perspective, convictions, character, and skills needed for ministry in the 21st century from this giant of the 20th century.”
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