FREE Pain and . . . pain? by Traxie phone direct link ios italian online

FREE Pain and . . . pain? by Traxie phone direct link ios italian online

FREE Pain and . . . pain? by Traxie phone direct link ios italian online

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Book description
It took me a while to actually sit down and read this book because I actually didnt think it would be very good. I was pleasantly surprised. I know I have seen a list, on listopia, for the worst parents ever and Jasons dad needs to be on this list. The story was non stop and no boring or slow parts for me. I was protective of Jason and didnt trust anyone that came into his life. They had to prove themselves. I still dont trust Ron.:) Overall, this was a good story. I like that the author gave Jason a chance in life and it was done in such a way that it flowed with the rest of the story. Jason acted as you would think someone in an extremely abusive relationship would act. Quite depraved and I enjoyed it all.
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