FREE One Solstice Night by Elora Bishop (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

FREE One Solstice Night by Elora Bishop (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

FREE One Solstice Night by Elora Bishop (Goodreads Author) doc free full selling book

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Librarians Note: this book has been reissued under another pen name. For purchase and reviews, please see Under Her Spell by Bridget Essex.Isabella Fox, mediocre witch for hire, has just moved to the charming little town of Benevolence. As the new village magicmaker, shes expected to cast only one spell a year in the sleepy village--something not even she could mess up. Or so she hopes!As the Winter Solstice celebration draws near, Benevolence flurries with the magic and wonder of the holiday season. But not all are welcome to partake in the town’s festivities. Outcast shapeshifter, Emily, lives alone in the mountains. She is a mystery to Isabella, until they happen upon each other by chance in the snowy wood, like magic. On the night of the Winter Solstice, love begins to grow between the two women, despite the chill of the winter and the foreboding possibility that not all is well in Benevolence.The novella One Solstice Night is a magical lesbian love story, and the first in THE BENEVOLENCE TALES series.
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