FREE Once Upon a Season - Print-On-Demand Edition by Becky Goldsmith (Goodreads Author) free store eng pc online

FREE Once Upon a Season - Print-On-Demand Edition by Becky Goldsmith (Goodreads Author) free store eng pc online

FREE Once Upon a Season - Print-On-Demand Edition by Becky Goldsmith (Goodreads Author) free store eng pc online

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Book description
Most people know me as half of the Piece O Cake Designs team. With my partner, Linda Jenkins, we have written many quilt books. I am also a wife, mother, grandmother, and daughter. I love my family and friends!Travel is part of my life - for both work and pleasure. I travel and teach quilting nationally and internationally. Its great fun to meet new people and see new places! My husband, Steve, and I enjoy traveling together - hiking when we can. With every day, I am more aware of the fact that each day is a gift to be embraced. I do my best to do that with a smile and open heart.
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